I've been on a temporary schedule at my school for the last two weeks, which was frustrating because they knew which day we were starting but had nothing ready for us to do and no classes ready for us to help in (BUT I DID MY BEST TO BE PATIENT, OKAY). We—the other auxiliar de conversación and I—ended up asking if, instead of sitting in the teacher's lounge cutting out labels, we could sit in on classes to see how they were run, get to know some students and teachers, etc. So they split us up and sent us 'round, and I was a much happier camper.
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Strikin' timez on my first day of work. There were two or three more rows of people waiting behind me! |
1. Where are you from?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you have a boyfriend?
Las respuestas:
1. The United States, specifically the great state of Wisconsin!! GO AND VISIT, EAT SOME CHEESE, DRINK SOME BEER. (But only if you are 21, obvi.)
2. Never ask a woman how old she is, but I'm still young, so I'll tell you I'm 22.
3. None of your business.
Thankfully, as of yesterday, I finally have a set schedule! And it is the best schedule EVER. I will be helping in various English, music, and natural science classes, all of which are being taught in English this year as part of my school's bilingual initiative. (Yes, I said science... contrary to popular belief, I actually loved science classes pre-Harvard and am stoked to help teach them!) The best part is, I have progressively fewer classes as the week goes on. By Thursday, I'm down to just two classes, and on Friday, I have zero, zilch, not a one, I LOVE MY LIFE, WHY DID THAT NEVER HAPPEN TO ME AT HARVARD, SHE WHINES. This means I can start planning some weekend getaways to other parts of Spain, whee!
Un abrazo a todos,